Frida iOS Hook

Lê Thành Phúc
2 min readJul 22, 2020


A tool that helps you trace classes, functions, modify the return values of methods and do a few other great things on iOS

Hi bro!! Another tool coded by myself and that uses some external libraries. It helps pentesters to work with frida and pentest iOS applications more easily.

With many bundled scripts such as bypass jailbreak, bypass ssl, static analysis, .. etc and support features like dump decrypt ipa, dump memory of the application, etc.

The tool is being updated and developed with many new features.

Install & Usage

[+] Install the latest version


[+] Install the develop version

        1. Git clone
2. cd frida-ios-hook/frida-ios-hook
3. chmod +x ioshook
4. ./ioshook --help(-h)
5. rebellion :))

Frida-ios-hook Wiki

See Full Usage as Wiki

Demo Usage

Frida iOS Hook | Basic Usage | Install — List devices — List apps — List scripts — Logcat — Shell

Basic Usage Part 1

Frida iOS Hook | Basic Usage | Dump Decrypt IPA — Dump Memory App — Hexbyte-Scan IPA

Basic Usage Part 2

Frida iOS Hook | Basic Usage | App Static — Bypass Jailbreak — Bypass SSL — Intercept URL + Crypto

Basic Usage Part 3


Scripts are collected from many sources and checked and updated regularly. So far I have compiled over 40 scripts that all work fine with frida-ios-hook.

If you run the script but it doesn’t work, you can try the following: frida -U -f package -l script.js



Lê Thành Phúc
Lê Thành Phúc

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