What tools kit need to pentest — bugbounty

Lê Thành Phúc
1 min readMay 31, 2019



Hi guys, Today i will share something tools kit that i used to penetration test and hunter the bug bounty. I hope that can be help someone to begin this “game” quickly.

Tools kit

Payload Fuzzing — Burp Intruder

Has many payload for burp intruder from third party provider. I will updated frequently if i find new source useful.

Payloads All The Things

Wfuzz — The Web Fuzzer

Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.

Scanner + Exploit Vuln

WordPress Vulnerability Scanner

OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner

Advanced XSS Detection Suite

Detecting and exploiting SQL injection

Firewall detection tool


Download all tools kit at : https://github.com/noobpk/tools-pentest-bugbounty



Lê Thành Phúc
Lê Thành Phúc

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